A recent report has suggested that the Government plans to invest in green jobs is off to a shaky start, with only 1.2% of advertised posts being classed as "green". While it is challenging to interpret the data - "green jobs" are poorly defined, and its almost impossible to track down the supply chain effects - it is clear that this is a low starting point.

I am - overall - heavily in favour of investment and a green technology focussed industrial strategy. The UK has a track record of excellent returns on science investment, and investing in technology that is highly likely to be needed in the future looks like a great bet. However, in the short term the effect of pushing green jobs is harder to conceptualise.

Clearly, many industries are currently reporting skills shortages and recruitment difficulties. Creating new green jobs - particularly ones that require highly specific and advanced skills - will, in the short term, exacerbate those issues.

All very well, some might say, if the creation of green jobs leads to skill shortages in polluting industries and hastens their demise - but at present, there is no way of controlling that, and its just as likely that an existing business manufacturing wind turbines goes under due to lack of skilled staff as one involved in oil extraction.

So is the slow start to the green jobs a problem? Potentially - but a gradual transition of the workforce from its current position to a greener future is likely to cause less damage to the economy overall.