It is rumoured that part of the budget announcements will be a watering down of the promised increase to science funding. Our funding, as a % of GDP, has always lagged behind many of the other leading economies, and yet pound for pound we punch above our weight in terms of outcomes and return on investment.
Government research from 2014 suggested that every £1 invested into science gave returns of 20 - 50p per year in perpetuity - a solid investment by anyone's reckoning! And Government investment into blue sky research fills a gap that private investment - with the best will in the world - is never going to take up.
On a personal note, I clearly remember the stress every year as the funding cycle came around - taking researchers time away from their work to fill in interminable forms.
Clearly, there are going to be cuts over the next few years to make up for pandemic spending, and the pain does need to be spread around. But - in my opinion - any cut to science spending would be a short term decision with painful consequences in the long run.
Those close to negotiations with the Treasury have told BBC News they received "strong signals" last week that, while the government would maintain its target of increasing annual science spending to £22bn, it would not commit to do so by 2024. There was also concern that the Chancellor would give the appearance of an increase by adding existing spending to the science budget - but the reality could be flat cash for several more years.